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  • Accepting applications for all VIP programs - Apply now!



Designed for Veteran-owned small businesses seeking to enter or expand their business in the federal market.


VIP GROW Program


Designed for Veteran-owned small businesses in federal procurement seeking to increase their ability to win and maintain government contracts.

VIP ADVANCE Training Program


Learn the importance of developing strategies and having processes in place to the go to the next level of sustained growth.




Designed for Veteran-owned small businesses seeking to enter or expand contracting opportunities overseas.

VIP AEROSPACE Training Program


Designed to accelerate the success of Veteran-owned small businesses in the federal aerospace market.


Continued Education


Hands-on, market-based instruction on how to achieve success in the commercial sector.


Program Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for the program?

The application is online. Qualified applicants are accepted into each class on a first-come, first-serve basis. Many of the VIP programs have waiting lists, so interested companies should complete the application online.

Where is VIP held?

The William F. Bolger Center in Potomac, MD - 11 miles from Washington D.C.

What if I have to miss a part of the session?

Attendance is required to graduate. If a participant misses more than 3 hours of instruction, their enrollment in the program will be terminated and a cancellation fee will apply.

Can my company attend VIP more than once?

Graduate companies may repeat a program. Acceptance is based on class capacity, and an enrollment fee will be charged.

How much does it cost to attend VIP?

VIP is offered at no cost to participants. The Montgomery County Chamber Community Foundation (MCCCF) funds the program through public-private partnerships made up of grants from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), the State of Maryland, and corporate sponsorships. An enrollment fee will be charged to repeat a class.

Who are the instructors?

Subject matter experts and business leaders from industry and government.

What does the VIP training include?

The following is offered at NO COST:

One Senior Level Participant Representing a Veteran-Owned Company

27+ hours of instruction

Meals - Breakfast & Lunch: Tuesday through Thursday; Dinner: Monday through Wednesday

Access to snack break-out rooms on all 3 days

2 Guest Admissions to the Graduation & Reception on Thursday

3 nights of lodging: Check-In Monday and Check-Out Thursday

Hotel Confirmation from the Bolger Center

Note: Travel expenses to and from The William F. Bolger Center are the sole responsibility of participants.
U.S. Small Business Administration Logo
Maryland Department of Commerce Logo
Montgomery Country Econmonic Development Corporation Maryland Logo
Montgomery Chamber of Commerce Logo
Lockhead Martin Logo
Blake Willson Group Logo
Interactive Government Logo
Windsor Group Logo
American Commercial Group Logo
Aprio Logo
Unanet Logo
ThinkTek Logo
E-Infosol Logo
BAE Systems Logo
TrillaMed Logo
ISS Logo
Contemporaries Logo
Pathfinder Logo
PNC Logo
Penan & Scott, P.C. Logo
Pingwind Logo
Clark Construction Logo
MBL Logo
Culmen International Logo
DAI Logo
Goldschmitt and Associates Logo
VIP Mobile Logo